Gothic Landscaping


the desert can be beautiful

A man’s word is his bond. Every contact between Gothic Landscape and a customer is a promise to deliver the job the client expects and deserves. Every interaction between Gothic’s family of employees is a promise to support one another in the quest to achieve excellence. Every day provides opportunities to prove the promise that Gothic is who they say they are: the most dependable, problem solving, dedicated professional landscaping company in America.



Proposal #1

  • Prune all shrubs and trees
  • Clean up debris
  • Rake existing rock evenly
  • Inspect irrigation

Price:  $100


Proposal #2

  • Removal and disposal of existing front yard turf
  • Installation of xeriscape plants (4-5 5-Gallon shrubs)
  • Installation of rock to match existing
  • Clean up debris

Price:  $350


Proposal #3

  • Removal and disposal of existing front yard turf
  • Installation of xeriscape plants (4-5 5-Gallon shrubs)
  • Installation of rock to match existing
  • Clean up debris
  • Installation of xeriscape tree

Price:  $430


Craig Mitros
(702) 477-4658