Welcome FirstService Residential

Today, August 1, 2018, marks the first official day for FirstService Residential to manage the Highland Hills community.  Our new Community Manager is Sharon Tierney.  She and her team will be working for the next several weeks to help transition our association.  All homeowners should have received a welcome packet from FirstService Residential with information on our new management company.  Be sure to complete the following steps to help the transition run smoothly:

  1. Update your phonebook with FirstService Residential's 24/7/365 Customer Care Center number of (702) 737-8580 in case you have any questions or concerns about our community.
  2. Update your assessment due payment information, if necessary.  This is especially important if you pay with ACH though your bank.
  3. Complete and send back the Homeowner Information Packet.
  4. Register for your FirstService Connect account.  You may have to call the Customer Care Center to update your info in order to create an account.